Why there is nothing like the idea of India...
This is a many part blog which I'm starting from today, I'd add to it as the days go on. Ever since I was a kid, I've often heard about the "unity in diversity" being the idea of India. I think this is a fallacious argument. I'll come to the reasons shortly. It would be instructive first to look at how the idea of a nation-state was born and where did it originate. Next, we'll look at the example of Japan, a nation which was in ruins in the mid 40's and its emergence as the second most important economy of the world. Then, we'll look at why we won't progress even with a loose federal structure. We'll discuss the origins of civic sense in association to the home-land, and how block wise development is harming us even further. And in the end, we'll try to come to some conclusion other than blaming poverty or over-population, I hope some of you might give your opinions an all this.