The utility of futility
Chuang-tzu said, "All men know the utility of useful things; but they do not know the utility of futility". It seems that for the past three years, I've been making an earnest attempt to understand the utility of futility. And I have had modest results, I'm pretty clear on what I want to do in my life or rather what I don't want to do. I guess my priorities in life are clearer than ever before and I pray to god to give me strength and conviction to realize and attain my goals. Its silly how God keeps making these special appearances in my consciousness. Whenever there has been a watershed, I've turned to God and I hope I've been good enough when things have been more routine, that He'll take care. That apart, I guess one has to make a conscious effort not to let the monotonous burden of life to cloud one's vision or judgement, sometimes it really is a good idea to leave yourself alone and cut yourself off from the more mundane and worldly things, This really aids self-reflection. A couple of friends have aided me immensely in carrying out this exercise of futility, they'll know when they read this. I hope that in the time to come, I'll be calm enough not to repeat the oversights of my past life...