Friday, October 01, 2004

Tere Naam -> Review

25th Aug 2003

A brief review for those of you who might be planning to watch 'Tere Naam'
'Tere Naam'
The record breaking opening of 'Tere Naam' ensured that one couldn't get its ticket in 'current' for the first week atleast. One can't be sure about the old adage 'better late than never' when it comes to some of the over-hyped hindi films in recent times but to ones relief in 'Tere Naam's case, it
infact, is true.
'Tere Naam' revolves around 'Raadhe Mohan' (Salman Khan), the Peter Pan, the brat with a heart of gold, the college 'dada' who falls for 'Nirjara' (Bhumika), the daughter of a priest and their 'unfortunately... true love story'.
As a Movie, 'Tere Naam' is a mixed bag with its fair share of shortcomings. And with a climax like Tere Naam has, its bound to be compared to QSQT and 'Ek Duje Ke Liye' and therin, lies the single biggest failure of director Satish Kaushik. The chemistry between Salman and Bhumika never becomes sparkling enough (although the vibes are there) to be as compelling as shown, atleast from the girls side. Kaushik has been failed by his team of musicians, the songs are decent but needed to be great to have the sort of impact that would have made the difference. Moreover there could have been better ways to show the pain rather than 'Shripur Aarogyadhaam', the 'refuge' of the mentally sick. And to top it all, the film is promoted as 'Unfortunately...a true love story', but at the end one gets to know that it is all fictitious... a let down of sorts!!!
So, where does 'Tere Naam' score ??? One word answer - Salman Khan. Salman Khan is brilliant as 'Raadhey', rarely on Indian screen has an actor(besides the BIG B of course!!!) been able to bring so much conviction and emotion to a character. The role has fitted Salman to the 'T'. As a college
'gunda', as a soppy lover and then as an obsessed lover, as a mentally sick patient, Salman Khan has delivered the peformance of a lifetime...
Watch it for Salman Khan...


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